Over the last three years, residents in Puerto Rico have suffered damages from natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and most recently this year, numerous earthquakes. Due to these events, many property owners now understand the importance of having property insurance coverage—but most importantly, the correct policy coverage. However, for many policyholders it is still unclear how long it should take for their insurance company to resolve their insurance claim.

Under Puerto Rico’s Insurance Code, an insurance company should comply with the following terms for resolution:1

(1) The investigation, adjustment, and resolution of any claim shall be made in the shortest reasonable period of time within the first ninety (90) days after said claim have been submitted to the insurer.

(2) In the event that an insurer is unable to resolve a claim within the term established in subsection (1) of this section, he/she shall maintain in its records any documents attesting to the existence of a just cause to exceed the term previously provided.

(3) The Commissioner may require the immediate resolution of any claim at any time if he deems that the same has been unduly and unfairly delayed or deferred.

For this to be possible, it is important that the insured complies with his responsibility of providing the complete information needed and requested by their insurance company during their investigation. It is important to acknowledge that insurance companies do have up to 90 days to investigate, adjust, and solve your claim. Once the 90-day period has expired, the insured can fill a form provided by the Insurance Commissioner’s office to file a complaint against the insurance company for its delay in resolving the claim.
1 Terms for Resolution of Claims, Puerto Rico Insurance Code, 26 L.P.R.A. § 2716b.