Imagine if you were a corporate Risk Manager that selected Liberty Mutual or Safeco and the insurer did not pay fully or promptly on a claim. What would you say to your CEO after that happened? Your job should be at risk if you could not answer that question.

I suggest that every customer of Liberty Mutual and Safeco ask in advance what type of claims payment philosophy the insurer will follow before signing on the dotted line. Would you want to be a customer of a company that had its claims department taking a corporate "quantum leap" to bring back profits into an insurance corporation? That is exactly what Safeco and Liberty Mutual have been doing, and it is time that the insuring public is made aware of what type of treatment the public can expect with that company and its subsidiaries.

Every insurance company selling first party insurance has an obligation to investigate coverage and evaluate damages. That obligation requires the insurer to do so promptly, at its own expense, and in a completely honest manner. There are a lot of insurance company adjusters and insurance company attorneys that subscribe to this blog. Does anybody disagree?

If not, why don’t Safeco and Liberty Mutual turn over all consultant reports to their customers in first party claims? Are they afraid to be honest? Why do Safeco insurance adjusters refuse to turn over draft reports of consultant reports, citing "work product" privilege? Maybe every Safeco and Liberty Mutual customer should do the following every night before a loss occurs:


We have had a number of Liberty Mutual policyholders, public adjusters, and policyholder attorneys contact us following our post, Safeco and Liberty Mutual Claims Practices Questioned on a National Basis: Policyholders Organize Against Wrongful Claims Practices.

Here is what one had to say:

Last year, my house caught on fire and liberty mutual has refused to pay invoking appraisal within one month without ever properly presenting or looking over the claim. Detectives, police, and their own cause and effect engineers say we had no fault in the fire. Yet, they have repeatedly used stall tactics.

This past year (they said) they didn’t receive receipts or information that I have faxed verification showing successfully doing so. And then, they later admitted they had it the whole time saying "this is what we already had." While they have had beds to sleep in and warm food on the table, they have left me and my four kids homeless sleeping on the cold hard floor of one of the rooms that caught on fire. [They were] spending more money for detectives and fighting the claim than if they had paid and now because the adjuster that invoked appraisal and then found out the umpire sided more towards me and my children, they are arguing his decision [is wrong] and them selecting him. DSS is about to take my kids due to the living conditions and everyone is dragging their feet…what can be done??

This afternoon, I spoke with another Texas corporate policyholder attorney with a similar story. I have a corporate policyholder client whose CPA consultant has accused the Safeco adjuster of lying to her about facts of the adjustment.

As a result of Safeco and Liberty Mutual delaying turning over information about reports and estimates in that case, we have now uncovered over 150,000 claims manual operation procedures and guidelines which address how Liberty Mutual and Safeco go about their claims procedures and documents evidencing Safeco’s profit oriented program of "quantum leap."

When I have asked Liberty Mutual and Safeco adjusters and attorneys if they agree they have an obligation to adjust in good faith and act honestly, promptly and in cooperation, they say, "yes." When I ask for them to do so or why they have not, this is the type of response I get and what others are reporting to me when they ask the same question:


If you are an insurance customer, I suggest a few companies that compete on service. For example, here is what I have had to say about Chubb in Chubb Calls Competitors Cheap And Unfair. Buy from companies you can trust. How cheap is insurance from Liberty Mutual if it does not pay fully, promptly or in good faith?