Insurance company adjusters organize their claims files much better than most public adjusters because insurers have invested in computerized claims file management. It may have been that software costs were too expensive for many public adjusting firms, but this is no longer the case.
The video with Dave Young of Claim Wizard is one example of a product that has to be better than any paper claims management system. His firm is present at most public adjuster association meetings and I encourage public adjusters to check out his product.
While at the TAPIA conference earlier this fall, computer wiz Steve Hadhazi showed me his Storybook software. Steve’s big point to me was that by using automated software, and the checklists within the software, public adjusters will make fewer mistakes when adjusting losses and get claims paid quicker. I agree.
The bottom line is there is affordable software specifically designed for public adjusters claims files and claims administration. Public adjusters owe it to themselves and their clients to make this investment.