Safety in the field for insurance adjusters is a topic that I feel cannot get too much emphasis. Too much safety is like too much planning; you can’t be over prepared or overly safe when it comes to property damage inspections. It doesn’t matter what state you live in or whether you work for policyholders or insurance companies, safety is priority.
I have devoted many of my Saturday posts to expressing the need for adjusters to be prepared and take safety precautions when in the field, including:
I am happy to report that my soapbox shouting about safety in the field for adjusters caught the attention of Claims Management magazine. A five page spread in the June, 2013, magazine is devoted to a special safety publication. Check out: A Guide to Natural Disasters – The Five Essentials Field Adjusters Strategies for Surviving the Storm. A special thanks to Dick Tutwiler for contributing to the article and to Ed Demask for devoting his time to raise awareness on this important issue.