If you watched our Coronavirus Coverage discussion, you would never forget the answer to the title question of this post. Property insurance claims and analysis can be a lot of fun when you are passionate and knowledgeable about it. There are always questions that arise from unique circumstances of loss and changing policy language which may afford or may not afford coverage.
Tomorrow, Larry Bache and I are going to answer the questions posed to us from the audience. The first questions will be those previously sent to us and new questions which we may receive before and during the video discussion. Here is an example of a question that one viewer asked me after last week’s appraisal discussion:
Chip, does an appraiser appointed by the policyholder have to get permission from the policyholder for the loss number which the appraiser arrives at before going to the insurance company appraiser?
We will start with that question, answer other questions already posed, and see if you can stump Larry Bache or me tomorrow at 2 PM!